Sunday, May 19, 2013



Do you feel like you have been round the same mountain so many times you have mastered every curve, steep and shrub? Do you long to get ahead but something seems to hold you back?  Have you ever considered that YOU could be your greatest obstacle to a better more fulfilling life? Take a personal inventory and find out. There are many ways in which people stand on their own way and on the way of God’s blessings. In this article, I highlights six effective ways designed to steer you out of your own way and create room for your personal growth and advancement.

Drop the Negative Attitude
The saying is true; when life throws lemons at you, make lemonade. Try to make the best out of every situation that comes your way. Do not go through life looking on the down side. Do not have phrases like ‘bored to death’ or ‘life sucks’ as your favourite posts on Facebook and Tweeter. No matter the circumstances, try as much as possible to put on a positive attitude. Think about it; a negative attitude will only draw to you negative circumstances, pessimistic people and lots of unpleasant experiences, but with the right attitude, you can turn around the greatest odds set against you. Remember, your attitude determines your altitude.

Leave Past Failures in the Past
Do not allow your past failures to dictate your present or future aspirations. Dump them like a tattered piece of cloth and put on a brand new day. Avoid using your life’s side mirror too much as it shows you where you are coming from, befriend the windscreen, it shows you where you are headed in a ‘wide’ way, just as long as it is the right way. Let your dreams and hopes thrive within the matrix of new possibilities, not a regretful yesterday. Most important, learn from your mistakes. Remember, success is built on a heap of failures.

Clean up your Act
Kick out habits that clog mental and spiritual clarity and compromise emotional stability. Things like alcohol, infidelity and other forms of immoral behaviour corrupt your judgement and make you unprepared for life’s opportunities and challenges. Replace such habits with good ones. Use your time wisely focusing on important life aspects. Seek to discover your purpose and pursue it. Integrate spiritual and emotional intelligence into your daily program and build meaningful relationships. Prepare yourself to receive the best.

Pop up Power Thoughts
Pause for a moment and think about what you are thinking about.  Are your thoughts negative and hopeless communicating ideals that are contrary to your inner desires? Do they agree with what God says about you? Make effort to consciously reject and replace every negative thought with a positive one. Find out from the Bible what God says about you, your situations and your loved ones and choose to think on those truths. Philippians 4: 8 is a good place to start. Do it relentlessly until you achieve mastery of your thought patterns. With time you will reap the fruits of positive thinking and find yourself achieving so much more in life.

Change your Lingo 
Are you speaking a dead language? Do you use negative words to water down your positive desires? Phrases such as ‘I will never make it’ ‘things are hard’ ‘am not good enough’ have been known to keep people down for years. Words carry enough power to shape your world or destroy it. How will you use yours? I encourage you yo start choosing words that light up your spirit and soul and build hope in you and others.  Remember, life and death is in the power of the tongue; your words have the power to keep you wedged or liberated.

Stir up the Nest
When the time comes for the young eagle to leave the nest, the mother eagle turns the fluffy warm nest into a prickly cold one, by removing the feathers and replacing with thorns. Harsh as it may seem, mother eagle lovingly does so to steer the young ones out of the nest and into their destiny. If you find that you are in a comfort zone, determine to stir it up yourself. For instant, if you are excessively dependent on others or life is been spoon-fed to you, break off and face the real world. Remember, necessity is the mother of invention; when you are on your own, you will be surprised at how much you can achieve. Besides, it is a perfect opportunity to find out what God equipped you with.

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